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8 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Many people have difficulty losing weight, when in fact there are various easy ways to lose weight. As long as it is done gradually and consistently, these methods will not make you feel tormented.

There is no need to apply a diet that is too strict or excessive, because in fact this method is not effective. There are several easy ways to lose weight that are not torturous, but rather more effective. To be sure, you need commitment and discipline in living it, so that your weight can go down and reach your ideal body weight.

Various Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Here are some easy ways to lose weight that you can apply:

1. Drink water before eating
According to research, drinking water before eating can help you lose weight. Drinking water before eating can make you feel full faster, so the desire to eat large amounts of food can be reduced.

In addition, you need to realize that thirst sometimes appears to resemble hunger. So when you start feeling hungry, try to overcome it by drinking water first, and only eat it on time. By applying this method, the number of calories you consume can also be reduced.

2. Don't forget to have breakfast
Did you know, breakfast is an important part of weight loss? With regular breakfast, the desire to eat unhealthy foods or snacks is reduced.

Getting used to breakfast will also reduce hunger during the day. The effect, the desire to consume food in excessive amounts at lunch time will also decrease.

3. Eat the right food
Those of you who are undergoing a weight loss program are advised to consume protein and fibrous foods. Protein foods can help the body burn fat and become a source of energy. Choose healthy protein sources for the body, such as egg whites, yogurt, lean meat, seafood, soybeans, beans or cheese.

In addition to foods that are high in protein, multiply the consumption of fibrous foods. Fiber foods can make you feel full longer, but low in calorie content. Fiber foods that you can consume include vegetables, fruit, foods made from whole grains, nuts, and wheat.

4. Eat small portions
You can work around this by using smaller plates or bowls when taking food. According to research, eating with a small plate or bowl can make you accustomed to eating a small portion, so the amount of calorie intake that enters the body will also decrease.

Eat small portions but often, which is 4-5 times a day, it is better to help you lose weight rather than eating large portions 3 times a day.

5. Eat slowly
Besides eating small portions, eating slowly and casually can also support weight loss. With eating habits like this, the body can send satiety signals to the brain before you spend too much food.

6. No need to avoid certain foods
No need to avoid foods that you like. If you stay away from these foods, your desire to consume them will be even stronger. So the key is not to stay away, but limit it. For example, you can buy unit pastries, instead of buying them in a box or jar.

7. Get enough sleep
In addition to maintaining a diet, make sure your sleep time is well fulfilled. Because, when you lack sleep, the production of the hormone ghrelin which stimulates appetite can increase. The effect, you will consume high-calorie foods in large quantities. Of course this will make your weight loss diet fall apart.

8. Move actively
It's no secret that sports are always associated with weight loss. Regular exercise will help burn excess calories that cannot be trimmed just by going on a diet.

You can practice easy ways to lose weight above as part of a healthy lifestyle. Don't be tempted by various diets to lose weight quickly, because they risk disrupting your health and making your weight easy to rise again.

If necessary, you can consult a nutritionist for a weight loss program. A nutrition doctor will provide a diet plan that suits your health condition.

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